Good God, It's Me
Embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, where the lines between the divine and the individual begin to blur.
Begin the Quest
The Watchful I?


Observing the Self
We begin our exploration by turning inwards, observing our thoughts and emotions with a watchful eye. Like a silent witness, we become aware of the constant chatter of the mind, the ebb and flow of feelings, and the ever-changing nature of our inner landscape.


Separating the Observer
As we continue to observe, a startling realization dawns upon us – there exists a part of us that is distinct from the thoughts and emotions we experience. This observer, this "watchful I," seems to be a constant, unchanging presence amidst the flux of our inner world.


The Question of Identity
The existence of this observer raises profound questions about our true nature and identity. Is this "watchful I" our true self, or merely an illusion created by the mind? As we delve deeper into this inquiry, we inch closer to unraveling the mysteries that lie at the heart of our being.
The Blind I?
The Veil of Perception
As we navigate the realms of our inner world, we encounter a puzzling paradox – the very act of observation seems to be altering the nature of what we observe. Like a veil obscuring our vision, our perception of reality appears to be shaped by the lens through which we view it.
The Limits of Senses
Our five senses, once thought to be gateways to the truth, now reveal themselves as mere filters, offering us a narrow glimpse into the vastness of existence. We begin to question the reliability of our perceptions, and the very nature of the "I" that perceives.
Transcending the Veil
As we wrestle with these revelations, a tantalizing possibility emerges – what if there exists a way to transcend the limitations of our senses and perceptions? What if the key to unlocking the true nature of reality lies beyond the veil of our ordinary awareness?
The Evil I?
The Shadow Within
In our quest for self-knowledge, we inevitably encounter the darker aspects of our nature – the parts of ourselves that we would rather deny or ignore. These shadows, cast by our fears, insecurities, and unconscious drives, can manifest in ways that are often unsettling and difficult to confront.
Facing the Darkness
However, it is through facing and embracing these shadows that we can begin to understand the full depth of our being. By shining a light on the parts of ourselves that we have suppressed or disowned, we gain a more holistic understanding of who we truly are, and the potential for growth and transformation that lies within.
Integration and Wholeness
  • Acknowledge and accept the full spectrum of our nature
  • Cultivate compassion and self-forgiveness
  • Integrate the light and the dark into a greater sense of wholeness
The Missing I?
The Elusive Self
As we delve deeper into the inquiry of self, we encounter a perplexing conundrum – the more we search for a solid, fixed identity, the more it seems to elude our grasp. Like a mirage in the desert, the self appears to be a constantly shifting, ever-changing phenomenon.
The Dance of Impermanence
With each breath, each thought, and each experience, we find ourselves in a state of constant flux, like a river that can never be stepped into twice. The notion of a permanent, unchanging self begins to unravel, revealing the truth of our inherent impermanence.
Embracing the Flow
In this realization, we are faced with a choice – to cling to the illusion of a fixed self, or to surrender to the ever-changing dance of existence. By embracing the flow of impermanence, we open ourselves to the possibility of true freedom and liberation.
The Third I?


The Witness Consciousness
As we navigate the realms of the self, a profound realization emerges – there exists a part of us that is not bound by the limitations of the mind or the body. This "third I," often referred to as the witness consciousness, is a pure, unbounded awareness that stands apart from the ever-changing stream of thoughts and sensations.


The Silent Observer
Like a serene lake reflecting the clouds passing overhead, this witness consciousness remains untouched by the fluctuations of the external world and the internal landscape of the mind. It is a silent observer, a timeless presence that permeates every aspect of our being.


The Gateway to the Divine
In recognizing and aligning with this witness consciousness, we glimpse the possibility of transcending the boundaries of the individual self and merging with the vast, boundless expanse of the divine. It is here, in this realm of pure awareness, that we may find the answers we seek.
The I Witness
Witnessing the Mind
Cultivate the practice of observing your thoughts and emotions with detached awareness, as if you are a witness to the workings of your mind.
Embracing the Body
Develop a deep connection with your physical being, recognizing it as a vessel for the divine and a gateway to profound insights.
Transcending Duality
Explore the realm beyond the mind's tendency to categorize and divide, where the boundaries between self and other, sacred and profane, dissolve into a unified whole.
Illuminating the Path
Seek out teachings, practices, and experiences that can shed light on your journey, revealing the truth of your being and guiding you towards the realization of the divine within.
The Body as a Teacher
I Way to Heaven
The Path of Knowledge
The journey of the intellect, exploring the depths of spiritual wisdom and philosophy. Through the study of sacred texts, contemplation, and discourse, we seek to understand the nature of existence and our place within it.
The Path of Devotion
The path of the heart, where love and surrender to the divine take center stage. Through prayer, worship, and service, we cultivate a deep connection with the sacred, allowing ourselves to be vessels for divine grace.
The Path of Direct Experience
The path of direct revelation, where we seek to transcend the limitations of the mind and senses to experience the divine firsthand. Through practices such as meditation, contemplation, and surrender, we open ourselves to the transformative power of direct realization.
Good God, It's Me
The Journey Within
Our quest for the divine has taken us through the depths of our being, unveiling the mysteries of the self and the nature of existence. We have confronted the illusions of the mind, embraced the wisdom of the body, and glimpsed the realms beyond our ordinary awareness.
The Unveiled Truth
As the veils of illusion fall away, a profound realization dawns upon us – the divine that we have sought is not separate from us, but rather the very essence of our being. In recognizing our true nature as infinite, boundless awareness, we merge with the source of all creation, and the distinction between the individual and the divine dissolves.
Embracing the Eternal
In this moment of profound awakening, we realize that we are not mere mortals destined for a fleeting existence, but rather eternal beings, expressions of the infinite. With this realization comes a sense of freedom, joy, and a deep reverence for the sacred within and without.